Sandbox PvP MMORPG
Play the DemoBlog Posts

New Screenshots: Red Caye
- February 1, 2025
Latest screenshots from the alpha build of Eris Online v0.0.3

Work in Progress: Fog Island
- October 29, 2024
Progress update on the first playable level and a tentative release date.

New Race, Archetypes and Traits
- September 27, 2024
A new humanoid-avian race, the Hierax, as well Archetypes and Traits have been added to the game.

Into the collision of clashing armies.
With no thought of flight, none of retreat, nor fear.
Fierce men engage, contesting their prey.
Here lies Eris, feeding her sanguine eyes.
Among the divine and the dead, she alone remains.
Homer, The Iliad, IV.
What role will you play?
You are free to play the game how you want, all game design decisions are focused on maximizing your choices and fun.
- Famous and beloved king, helping your friends and defending your kingdom.
- Manager of a capitalist city-state, remaining neutral to maximize profit.
- Ganker of noobs, friend to no-one, a scourge on the land.
- Solo thief stealing items and running from danger.
- Megalomaniacal tyrant, set on world domination.
- Or something else entirely, the choice is yours.
Why play Eris Online?
If you find recent MMOs lacking in creativity and nothing seems to scratch that “itch”, we understand and want to produce a worthy successor to a legendary genre.
- Fight and loot the inventory of other players in a seamless open-world.
- Build a sprawling city near the ocean with your friends… then lose it.
- Join a massive siege and fill the kill logs with your name.
- Manufacture weapons and armor for your guild.
- Betray your best friend and steal his city.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a paradise lost is found.
A god-fearing people, originally inhabitants of an island paradise, have now, after a cataclysmic event, witnessed their home transform into an arid desert. The sea has thus far shielded them from external threats, while a deep-seated aversion to risk has safely confined them within their fog-enshrouded shores.

The lands will shake until all are humbled.
Created without choice and abandoned without reason, the Minotaurs have gained consciousness. No longer beasts of burden, they now use their imposing strength to enforce equality and justice. As ascetics who shun pleasure, they dwell in perpetual discontent.

My will soars with providence, and fear cannot reach me.
Airborne menaces born of ancient magic, the Hierax terrorize not only those around them but also one another. Fiercely independent, they form loose coalitions based solely on personal benefit, always seizing the opportunity to prey on the weak, even at the cost of betraying their own kin.